Opportunity Details

Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalist Application

Sponsoring Program: Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalists

Apply to volunteer with the Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalists.

The Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalist chapter of Texas Master Naturalists is located in one of the most heavily wooded areas of East Texas, surrounded by 3 lakes: Lake Sam Rayburn, Toledo Bend and Dam B (aka Lake Steinhagen).

It is just a few miles north of the Big Thicket National Preserve. The wild Neches River is the western boundary of Jasper County, and the Sabine River is the eastern edge of Newton County.

Visit our website here

Facility: AgriLife Extension Office

Region: Pineywoods

Jasper, TX 75951

Facility: AgriLife Extension Office

Minimum Age: 18

Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalists

Daniel White

(409) 926-8476