Opportunity Details

Llano Estacado Master Naturalist Application

Sponsoring Program: Llano Estacado Master Naturalists

Apply to volunteer with the Llano Estacado Master Naturalists.

The chapter draws its members from the cities of Big Spring, Midland, Odessa, and other communities of the Southern Llano Estacado area of west Texas.

We meet at 7:00 monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Sibley Nature Center in Midland, TX.

Visit our Facebook site. Visit our TXMN website.

Facility: Sibley Nature Center

Region: Panhandle Plains

Sibley Nature Center

Midland, TX 79705


Facility: Sibley Nature Center

Public Nature Center situated on 49 acres in Hogan Park, Midland, Texas.  Sibley Nature Center provides knowledge to interested citizens of the local flora, fauna and history of the Llano Estacado, Edwards Plateau adn Transpecos region.

Llano Estacado Master Naturalists

Llano Estacado