Opportunity Details

Choke Canyon State Park - General Volunteer

Sponsoring Program: Choke Canyon State Park

Duties and Events may include:
- Volunteering at our Nature Center on Friday/Saturday
- Volunteering for cleanup events, such as the Girl Scout Earth Day cleanup event
- Volunteering during a large group event, such as a State Park sponsored Kid Fishing Tournament
- Any other events that fall under a generalized daytime service opportunity.

Website: http://www.tpwd.texas.gov.us/spdest/findadest/parks/choke_canyon/

Region: South Texas Plains

358 Recreation Road 8

Calliham, TX 78007


General events may occur at either the South Shore Unit or Calliham Unit.

Minimum Age: 18

Choke Canyon State Park

Hannah Schulze

(361) 436-2613