Opportunity Details

Devils River State Natural Area - UT Intern Volunteer

Sponsoring Program: Devils River State Natural Area-Del Norte Unit

This position will provide the opportunity to become familiar with multiple aspects of the Texas Parks and Wildlife operations through hands on participation.

Volunteer Intern will receive an orientation from the perspective of several different staff positions, including the superintendent, office manager, maintenance staff, park interpreter and law enforcement.

The intern may rotate duties with different staff, however all duties will come with clear instruction from park superintendent. The majority of the duties will consist of designing, assisting and leading outreach programs to a variety of audiences such as park guests. Will work as a Customer Service Clerk at our Park HQ and provide park orientaiton for incoming visitors.

Website: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/findadest/parks/devils_river/

Region: Hill Country, Big Bend Country


Minimum Age: 18

Devils River State Natural Area-Del Norte Unit

Nora Padilla

(830) 395-2256