Sponsoring Program: Buescher State Park
Looking for a way to get more involved in your State Park? Join our Friends group to help make a positive difference at Bastrop and Buescher State Parks!
Friends of the Lost Pines State Parks is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer group that helps support the park in multiple ways.
The purpose of Friends is to assist park staff in the management and conservation of the natural and cultural resources of Bastrop and Buescher State Parks, for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Friends' support the parks by providing information about the Parks and their resources to the public; assisting and educating visitors to the Parks; fund-raising to support special projects or general operations for the Parks; and, other activities which contribute to the care and conservation of the Parks.
All the money that is raised by the Friends' goes directly back into supporting the parks.
Friends' fundraise money through firewood sales in both parks, canoe rentals at Buescher, Friends' membership dues and through donations.
Volunteer opportunities:
*Become a Board Member to help support the parks and organize volunteer events.
*Take pictures of the parks and help with Friends' social media posts.
*Help or conduct educational programs to the public
*Canoe/paddle/life vest cleaning and upkeep.
* Table at outreach events in the community
*Help with special events in the park
*Take free trainings offered by TPWD like Angler Education or Canoe/Kayaking certification to help with educational programs like Fishing or Canoeing 101.
*Help with natural resource work like trail maintenance
*Become a docent of the new nature center at Bastrop SP when it opens
*Help with fundraising opportunities like firewood sales and canoe rentals
*Attend meetings
*Help plan and organize membership events like Picnic In the Park at Buescher in October, Souper Supper at Bastrop in February, and Summer Splash Party in July or August at Bastrop Pool.
2025 Meeting Schedule:
February 20- Souper Supper Potluck
April 17- Board Elections & General Meeting
May 15- General meeting
June 19 - Board Meeting
August TBD- Summer Splash Party for Members at Bastrop SP Pool
Sept. 18 - Plan the Picnic event
Oct. 16-Picnic In the Park Membership Drive Event at Buescher
Nov. 20 - General meeting
Jan 15, 2026 - Plan the Souper Supper Event
Become a member:
1)Sign up on this site and make a volunteer profile.
2) A Friends Board Member will email you more information with in a week of your sign up.
Annual Membership Dues:
Student/Senior-$10 Individual-$15
Family-$25 Business-$50
Thank you for being our Friend! We''re excited to have your support!
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